Edgar Rice Burroughs’ 100 Year Art Chronology Kickstarter Campaign Launched!

Michael Tierney’s Edgar Rice Burroughs’ 100 Year Art Chronology is a 4-volume collection that captures the vast illustrative history of Edgar Rice Burroughs. ERB., Inc. and Chenault & Gray Publishing are working together to bring this project to life.

With over 1,200 pages of content, more than 5,000 images and 140,000 words the 4-volume series explores the art used in the manifold publications and creations of the vast Burroughs body of work for the past century and more, from Tarzan to Barsoom, from Venus to Caspak, from wild west to the Lost Continent and more!

The Chronology includes material from a variety of sources: the pulps, the novels, novelizations, comics and strips! The illustrative history follows the long literary career of the man whom Ray Bradbury called “the most influential writer, bar none, of our century.”

The project is LIVE on Kickstarter right now. With 19 days to go, it is over 92% funded and proves once again that Edgar Rice Burroughs has fans from all walks of life. Visit Kickstarter and pledge your support and help us propel the name of Burroughs into this, our, next century.


