Through this web page, we make an effort to showcase articles that excite us or concern us about things that are currently taking place in Africa.
This magnificent land is the home to many fictional adventures, so we keep an eye on the land that inspired Mr. Burroughs to write his most famous stories.
Kenya: Elephants killed near Prince William cabin
NAIROBI, Kenya - Four of seven elephants outfitted with GPS tracking collars have been killed on the forested slopes of Mount Kenya in recent months only a short hike from the rustic cabin where Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton, conservation officials said Tuesday.
The United States Needs to Halt the Import of African Lion Trophies Now
For many of us, thoughts of the African savanna are incomplete without the image of a lion. The fabled 'king of the jungle' is a part of the very fabric of Africa imagined by those of us living far from the home of these magnificent beasts.