Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe™ Canon

The Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe is the interconnected literary cosmos created by the Master of Adventure and continued in new canonical works authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., the company based in Tarzana, California, founded by Mr. Burroughs in 1923. The company is presently engaged in a multiyear process of releasing the entire 80-plus volumes of original core canon written by Mr. Burroughs in the Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library, as well as publishing expanded canon under the banner of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe. In addition, the company has partnered in the creative development of a growing number of selected comic books, as well as begun publishing its own comic books, canonizing these works into the expanding Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe continuity. Please note that when the new ERB Universe tales reference other authorized media (such as licensed ERB literature, comic books, cartoons, film, television, etc.) that does not appear in the list below, only those specific elements referenced are canonized into the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe continuity, not the entire works from which they derive.

The following list comprises works in the official canon of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe, and will be updated as additional works are incorporated. The links below are to the authorized editions of the canon.

Core Canon

Tarzan of the Apes
The Return of Tarzan
The Beasts of Tarzan
The Son of Tarzan
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
Jungle Tales of Tarzan
Tarzan the Untamed
Tarzan the Terrible
Tarzan and the Golden Lion
Tarzan and the Ant Men
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
Tarzan and the Lost Empire
Tarzan at the Earth’s Core
Tarzan the Invincible
Tarzan Triumphant
Tarzan and the City of Gold
Tarzan and the Lion Man
Tarzan and the Leopard Men
Tarzan’s Quest
Tarzan and the Forbidden City
Tarzan the Magnificent 
Tarzan and “The Foreign Legion” 
Tarzan and the Madman
Tarzan and the Castaways
Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins
Tarzan: The Lost Adventure (with Joe R. Lansdale)

A Princess of Mars
The Gods of Mars
The Warlord of Mars
Thuvia, Maid of Mars
The Chessmen of Mars
The Master Mind of Mars
A Fighting Man of Mars
Swords of Mars
Synthetic Men of Mars
Llana of Gathol
Skeleton Men of Jupiter

At the Earth’s Core
Tanar of Pellucidar
Tarzan at the Earth’s Core
Back to the Stone Age
Land of Terror
Savage Pellucidar

Pirates of Venus
Lost on Venus
Carson of Venus
Escape on Venus
The Wizard of Venus

The Moon Maid
The Moon Men
The Red Hawk

The Land That Time Forgot
The People That Time Forgot
Out of Time’s Abyss

The Mucker
The Return of the Mucker
The Oakdale Affair

The Eternal Savage
The Mad King

The War Chief
Apache Devil

The Bandit of Hell’s Bend
The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County

The Outlaw of Torn
I Am a Barbarian

Beyond Thirty
Minidoka: 937th Earl of One Mile Series M

The Cave Girl
The Monster Men
The Man-Eater
The Girl from Farris’s
The Lad and the Lion
The Rider
The Efficiency Expert
The Girl from Hollywood
Jungle Girl
Pirate Blood
Beyond the Farthest Star
Marcia of the Doorstep
You Lucky Girl!
Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder

Expanded Canon

Carson of Venus: The Edge of All Worlds by Matt Betts
    • Includes the bonus Swords of Eternity story “Pellucidar: Dark of the Sun” by Christopher Paul Carey
Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar by Win Scott Eckert
    • Includes the bonus Swords of Eternity story “Victory Harben: Clash on Caspak” by Mike Wolfer
John Carter of Mars: Gods of the Forgotten by Geary Gravel
    • Includes the bonus Swords of Eternity story “Victory Harben: Stormwinds of Va-nah” by Ann Tonsor Zeddies
“Jason Gridley of Earth: Across the Moons of Mars” by Geary Gravel (included in Red Axe of Pellucidar)
Victory Harben: Fires of Halos by Christopher Paul Carey
    • Includes the bonus story “Beyond the Farthest Star: Rescue on Zandar” by Mike Wolfer
Victory Harben: Tales from the Void, edited by Christopher Paul Carey (forthcoming)

Book 1: Korak at the Earth’s Core by Win Scott Eckert – NEW!
    • Includes the bonus story “Pellucidar: Dawn of the Deathslayer” by Christopher Paul Carey
Book 2: Pellucidar: Land of Awful Shadow by Win Scott Eckert (forthcoming)
Book 3: Tarzan Unleashed by Win Scott Eckert

Return of the Monster Men by Joshua Reynolds (forthcoming)
The Land That Tijme Forgot: Fortress Primeval
by Mike Wolfer (forthcoming)
A Princess of Mars: Shadow of the Assassins
by Ann Tonsor Zeddies – PREORDER NOW!
    • Includes the bonus story “John Carter of Mars: Swords of the Mind” by Geary Gravel
Mahars of Pellucidar by John Eric Holmes
Red Axe of Pellucidar by John Eric Holmes
Tarzan and the Forest of Stone by Jeffrey J. Mariotte
Tarzan and the Valley of Gold by Fritz Leiber
Tarzan and the Dark Heart of Time by Philip José Farmer

“Pellucidar: Dark of the Sun” by Christopher Paul Carey (included in Carson of Venus: The Edge of All Worlds)
“Victory Harben: Clash on Caspak” by Mike Wolfer (included in Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar)
“Victory Harben: Stormwinds of Va-nah” by Ann Tonsor Zeddies (included in John Carter of Mars: Gods of the Forgotten)
“Jason Gridley of Earth: Across the Moons of Mars” by Geary Gravel (included in Red Axe of Pellucidar)
“Beyond the Farthest Star: Rescue on Zandar” by Mike Wolfer (included in Victory Harben: Fires of Halos)
“Tarzan and the Land That Time Forgot” by Joe R. Lansdale (included in Mahars of Pellucidar)
“Pellucidar: Dawn of the Deathslayer” by Christopher Paul Carey (included in Korak at the Earth’s Core)
“Victory Harben and the Lord of the Veiled Eye by Christopher Paul Carey (novelette – forthcoming in Victory Harben: Tales from the Void)
“John Carter of Mars: Swords of the Mind” by Geary Gravel (novelette – forthcoming in A Princess of Mars: Shadow of the Assassins)


Carson of Venus® Series
Carson of Venus: The Eye of Amtor #1
Carson of Venus: The Eye of Amtor #2
Carson of Venus: The Eye of Amtor #3

Jane Porter® Series
Jane Porter: The Primordial Peril
Jane Porter and the City of Fire – NEW!

The Land That Time Forgot® Series
The Land That Time Forgot: Fearless #1
The Land That Time Forgot: Fearless #2
The Land That Time Forgot: Fearless #3

The Monster Men™ Series
The Monster Men: Soul of the Beast
The Monster Men: Heart of Wrath #1
The Monster Men: Heart of Wrath #2
The Monster Men: Heart of Wrath #3
The Monster Men: Isle of Terror #1
The Monster Men: Isle of Terror #2
The Monster Men: Isle of Terror #3

The Moon Maid™ Series
The Moon Maid: The Three Keys (graphic novel forthcoming from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.) – Mass Market Edition Coming Soon!
The Moon  Maid: The Bridge of Straw (included in The Moon Maid: The Three Keys graphic novel)

Pellucidar® Series
Pellucidar: Dark of the Sun #1 (included in Carson of Venus: The Eye of Amtor #1)
Pellucidar: Dark of the Sun #2 (included in Carson of Venus: The Eye of Amtor #2)
Pellucidar: Dark of the Sun #3 (included in Carson of Venus: The Eye of Amtor #3)
Pellucidar: Across Savage Seas #1 
Pellucidar: Across Savage Seas #2
Pellucidar: Across Savage Seas #3
Pellucidar: Across Savage Seas #4

Victory Harben™ Series
Victory Harben: Warriors of Zandar* (graphic novel forthcoming from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.) – CHECK OUT THE KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN!
Victory Harben: Ghosts of Omos
(graphic novel forthcoming from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.) – CHECK OUT THE KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN!
* Formerly published under the title Beyond the Farthest Star: Warriors of Zandar

Please bookmark this page as it will be updated frequently with new additions to ERB Universe canon. 

Copyright © Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks Edgar Rice Burroughs®, Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library™, Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe™, ERB Universe™, Tarzan®, Tarzan of the Apes®, Lord of the Jungle®, Jane Porter®, John Carter®, John Carter of Mars®, A Princess of Mars®, Gods of Mars®, Warlord of Mars®, Barsoom®, Pellucidar®, Carson of Venus®, Amtor™, The Land That Time Forgot®, Caspak™, The Moon Maid™, Va-nah™, Beyond the Farthest Star™, The Mucker™, The Custers™, Victory Harben™, Swords of Eternity™, and others owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Associated logos, characters, names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.